Guest Lecture
- Industry Interface

Muhammed Shadab Fasisal PK
Marketing Mix for Business Marketing and its Implementation Control Techniques

Mr Krishnendu Bal
Business Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation

Anand Khurana
What does marketing mean & what does a marketer do in the real world?


Dr.Kirupa Priyadarsini
The Human Side of Operations and Supply Chain

Swathi MD
Business Intelligence and its Applications

Papia Das
Essential Elements of Talent Acquisition

Mr. Durgesh Raturi
Operations and Sustainability

Research Methodology

Mr. Sushil Goswami
Screening the small screen

Mr. Kalayan Chakravarthy
Bait and Hook: Creating an Ecosystem

Ms. Annapurna A
Current Trends in HRM

Mr. Shriram Adithiya
An Overview of Auditing Industry and Big four firms

Nisha Millet
Interdisciplinary guest lecture series

Mr Nithish Mathur
Leadership Branding in Startups

Mr. Pratik Mohapatra
Product Strategy

Ms. Revati Gore
Interview Skills and Personality Development

Mr. Ajit Pai, Chartered Accountant
Practical Aspects of Companies Act 2013

Ms. Apoorva Sharma
Trends in Product Management

Ms. Sahiti. P
The Secret of CODE

Mr. Poorvank Purohit
Leadership for Young Adults

Mr. Praveer Priyadarsi
Leadership Communication

Mr.Chetan Kumar .S
Cloud Computing in Business Scenario

Mr. Parathasarathi Dutta Sharma
Strategy and Product Management @ Amazon

Dr. Prakash Muthudoss
Data Analytics in Healthcare - An Analytics Continuum Approach

Dr. V. Raja Sreedharan
Globalization and Organization debacles in the manufacturing sector

K V Ramanan
Application on Lean Six Sigma in the Services Industry

Ms. Aditi Ashesh
Global Mobility as a Career

Dr. C. Pethuru Raj
Internet of Things in Industry 4.0 Applications

CA Ravi Agarwal
Insights into Online Retail Management

Mr. Chetan Kumar.S
Cloud computing & Its Applications

Mr. Parthasarathi Dutta Sharma
Strategy & Product management @Amazon

Dr.Bellur S Prabhakar
Cross Functional Research -Management and Healthcare

Dr.Govi Kannan
Brand Experience

Ordinary to Extraordinary: Success Story of 4 lake Rejuvenation by an Ordinary Man

Dr.SunithaBhagavathi Mysore
Curriculum Development , Theoretical Underpinnings of Assessing Students in Higher Education

Prof.Sandeep Kumar
Bit Coins to Block Chains

Prof. Jaime LópezDíez, Associate
Emotions in Video Marketing

Mr. Abhishek Selvaraj,Financial
Cracking the interview

Mr. SriramSeshan
Emerging Concepts - Workplace Themes and Work Needs

Prof. BalasubramanianVenkatadri
Hedging Foreign Currency debt for Indian Corporations - Products and Process

Mrs. Dilshad D
Realise Your Potential

Lean Manufacturing and its Applications

CA DebashisDasgupta
International Financial Reporting Standards

Mutual Fund Expert Speak

Prof. RatnaDhar
Transformation from Student to Professional Life