Dr. Swati Basu Ghose is an MCom (Finance) from Calcutta University, MBA from IGNOU, and PhD from VTU. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience. She has been a faculty member in the Finance and Marketing Departments at Ramaiah Institute of Management since 2008. Before joining RIM, she taught in NIILM, ISME, and IBMR. She has also worked as a Research Assistant at the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Dr. Basu Ghose has visited and interacted with faculty members at the Leicester Business School and the Exeter Business School in the UK, Smith’s B-School – University of Maryland, Fuqua School of Business – Duke University, and Kenan-Flagler Business School – University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in the USA. She has presented her research papers in several national and international conferences and published research papers in Management Journals. She has attended the NABC – Business Forum 2017 in Santa Clara, USA.

Dr. Swati Basu Ghose
Associate Professor
Email: swatibg@msrim.org
About the Faculty
Research Interest
Housing Finance, Bottom of the Economic Pyramid, Rural Marketing
Educational Qualification
Dr. Swati Basu Ghose is an MCom (Finance) from Calcutta University , MBA (Marketing) from IGNOU and PhD from VTU.
Awards and Recognitions
Dr. Basu Ghose has received Certificate of Appreciation from International School of Management Excellence in 2016 for her tireless efforts and valuable role in building the institution and has been awarded in “PhireyEso Kolkata” contest by Times of India in 2019. She has been awarded Certificate of Honourin the Finance Workshop conducted by the Chief Executive Forum with faculties from Harvard University and Indian Institute of Planning and Management, Le Meridien Hotel, Bangalore, January 2005. Awarded a certificate for completing the course on Counselling Skills conducted by the Banjara Academy, Bangalore, July 2005
Paper presentation in conferenced
1. Basu Ghose: Formulating Strategies for Investing in India’s Emerging Economy based on the Bottom of the Pyramid and the Five Contexts Framework Approaches, 3rd International Research Seminar on Winning Management, Yale-Great Lakes Center for Management Research, Chennai, December 2008
2. Basu Ghose. S : Effect of Globalisation of Indian Companies on the BOP Segment, Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate, Indian Institute of Management – Kozhikode (IIM-K), Kerala, May 2009
3. Basu Ghose. S.: Analysis of Financing Strategies used in Rural Banking from the Viewpoint of Bottom of the Pyramid Approach, International Conference on International Finance, Indian Institute of Management – Calcutta (IIM-C), December 2009.
4. Basu Ghose. S.: Marketing Consumer Durable Products in India: Critical Evaluation of Growth Strategies using Ansoff’s Matrix, International Conference on Doing Business in India, Centre for Developmental Education, IFIM Business School, Bangalore, December 2010
5. Basu Ghose. S : Grassroots Management for the BOP Segment: A Paradigm Shift in Professional Management Education, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Professional Management Education in the Knowledge Economy 60 in India, International School of Management Excellence (ISME), Bangalore, January 2010.
6. Basu Ghose. S.: Developmental Marketing as a Financing Strategy used in Rural Banking: A Critical Study of Changes Required from the Viewpoint of Bottom of the Pyramid Approach, International Conference on Management of Change (ICMoC), KristuJayanti College of Management and Technology, Bangalore, February 2010.
7. Basu.Ghose.: S. Deconstructive Approach to Product based Globalization in the Context of the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP) Segment, International Conference on Globalisation and Economic Asymmetries In International Trade and Development: Challenges and Opportunities, Indian Institute of Management- Lucknow (Noida Campus), December 2010.
8. Basu. Ghose. S. and Raveendra. P.V.: Housing Loan for Urban Poor: Need for New Bank Policies, International Conference on Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance (ICFIF 2011): Vinod Gupta School of Management (VGSOM) & RCG School of Infrastructure Design and Management (RCGSIDM), Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur , India December, 2011
9. Basu Ghose. S.and. Raveendra. P.V : Grievance Issues of Home Loan Customers in the Banking Service Sector, International Conference on Doing Business in India Opportunities and challenges in The Service Sector, IFIM Business school, Bangalore, January 2012
10. Basu Ghose. S. and Raveendra P.V: The Need for Real Estate Management as a Specialization in B- Schools in India, National Conference on MBA at the Cross Road, Department of Management Studies, MSRACS, Bangalore, September 2013
11.. Basu Ghose. S. and RaveendraP.V : A Study of Factors Considered by Public Sector Banks for Home Loans, National conference on Business Excellence for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Department of Management Studies , M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, May 2015
12. Basu Ghose. S. and RaveendraP.V : Effect of transformation to cashless economy on the home loan market in urban India, AICTE Sponsored National Conference on “ Empowering Indian Society Towards Cashless Economy” Department of Management Studies , M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Nov. 2017
13. Basu Ghose. S. and RaveendraP.V :Effect of Interest Rates on Home Loan Disbursals of Public Sector Banks Perceptions of Bankers and Customers in Bangalore City, International Symposium on Frontiers of Infrastructure Finance (ISFIF- 2017) , Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, December 14-15, 2017
Book Chapters
1. Basu. Ghose. S. and Raveendra. P.V : A Study of Rural Housing Shortage in India, Business Perspective in Rural Management: (Editors: B. Janakiram, P.V. Raveendra, Vijay.N. Rao, N. Srikanth Reddy) Excel Publisher, 2011, pp 10-14, ISBN: 978 – 93- 5062-007-6.
2. Basu Ghose. S.: Reaching Out to the BOP Segment: Expanding Financial Infrastructure of Banks to Rural India, Strategy of Infrastructure Finance (Editor: Rudra P. Pradhan) 58 Macmillan Publisher, 2011, pp.476-48, ISBN 10: 0230-33216-1 ISBN 13: 978-0230- 33216-4.
3. Basu Ghose. S.: Services Sector at the Grassroots Level: Challenges and Opportunities for the Indian Economy, Challenges and Opportunities in Services Sector (Editors: B. Janakiram, P.V. Raveendra, Vijay.N. Rao, N. Srikanth Reddy) Excel Publisher,2011, pp 3-5 ISBN: 978-81- 7446-952-6
4. Basu Ghose. S. and Raveendra. P.V: Documentation for Sanctioning Housing Loans by Banks: A Case for Introducing New Liberal Policies ( Editors: N.V.R.Naidu, B. Janakiram, P.V. Raveendra, G.N. Mohan Babu, N.Srikanth Reddy, M. Rajesh) Bonfring Publisher, 2012 pp 998-1001ISBN: 978-93-82338-055
5. Basu Ghose. S. and RaveendraP.V : A Study of Factors Considered by Public Sector Banks for Home Loans ( Editors: Raveendra. P.V, Rizwana. M, Mahalakshmi.A, Pallavi. B, Rashmi. S. B) Excel Books, New Delhi, 2015 pp 124-131 ISBN 978-93-5062-623-8
Research Paper in Peer-Reviewed International Journals
1. Basu Ghose.S and. Shanmugam.T.R: Assessment of Importance of Different Attributes of BOP Approach to MNCs Doing Business in the Indian Market, FOCUS: The International Journal of Management Digest, Vol. 5, No. 1/2, April/October 2009, pp. 99-107ISSN: 0973-9165
2. Basu Ghose S: Formulating Strategies for Investing in India’s Emerging Economy based on the Bottom of the Pyramid and the Five Contexts Framework Approaches, 59 MS Ramaiah Management Review: A Research and Academic Journal of Business Management, Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 2009, pp. 33-44 ISSN: 0975-7988
3. Basu Ghose. S. and Raveendra. P.V: Difficulties Encountered by Home Loan Customers during Initial Application Process in Public Sector Banks in Bangalore” [accepted for publication in International Journal of Research in Management and Business., Volume 2 Issue 2 (May, 2016 issue) (ISSN: 2395-4329)]
Research Paper in Peer-Reviewed National Journals
- Basu Ghose. S and Banerjee. D: A Study on Impulse Buying Behaviour in Apparels, MSR Management Review Vol 8 issue1 Jan-June 2017
- A study on Medical Tourism in India – Perceptions of Patients and their Families in Bangalore Hospitals, , MSR Management Review Vol 9 issue1 Jan-June 2018
- Basu Ghose. Sand Paul. M. A Study on “Contribution of SIDBI in Ten MSME Sectors and Their Growth in Last Eight Years MSR Management Review Vol 9 issue1 Jan-June 2018.