Debolina Gupta is an Assistant Professor in the areas of Business Communication and HR at Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore. She is currently pursuing her research in the area of Human Resource Management. She has experience in teaching English language, Communicative English, Personality Development, Soft Skills, Business Communication, and Managerial Communication.

Debolina Gupta
Assistant Professor
About the Faculty
- MBA, Sikkim Manipal University
- M.A-English, Kuvempu University
- B.Ed.- N.E.H.U, Meghalaya
- PGDELT (Post graduate diploma in English Language Training) from Regional Institute of
- English
- Ph.D (Pursuing) ,CMR University Bangalore
Journal Publication
Debolina Gupta, Implications of humanistic management for the employer and the employed ,2019, Scientific Journal of Organization & Management Faculty at Silesian University of Technology, CMR University (CMRU), Bangalore
Conference Papers
Debolina Gupta, Role of Leadership Style in Humanistic Management Lessons from most successful leaders of Corporate India, 2018, 6th International Conference on Humanistic Management, CMR University (CMRU) Bangalore