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COVID 19 : Stay Home stay safe, Practice Social DIstancing, use face masks and wash your hands often
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, Ramaiah Institute of Management(formerly known as M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management, MSRIM) has made the entire Admission Process online for the Two year full time PGDM (AICTE Approved, NBA Accredited) MBA equivalent program 2020-2022 batch.
Step 1:
Application Form:
Log in to Click on Register on right top corner.
Step 2:
Online Test:
Select your slot for the exam. The test
comprises of 3 sections- Logical Reasoning, Aptitude and… READ MORE
Revised Examination time table will be announced post Lockdown
Perceptions Brochure
For Registration Click here
Contact Details:
Yeshwant(Student Coordinator):
8951534979 Veena(Student Coordinator): 9811954995
Ramaiah Kannada Rajyotsava Celebrations – 22nd Nov, 2019
International Conference on Emerging Trends In Management
The Ramaiah Japan Centre is established at the Ramaiah Institute of Management to provide the best opportunity to students to spread their wings beyond India. The Centre is committed to provide its students with quality learning by leveraging the rich experiences of its qualified faculty and experts from the Industry.
The Ramaiah Japan Centre is set to launch with its Curtain Raiser Webinar. The speakers for the session are- Mr. Tomoi
The Department of Marketing and IB, Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore is organizing a one-day International Virtual Marketing Conference – RIM MarC 2021, themed Marketing in the Age of Digitalization and Disruption on 12th August, 2021.
Marketing, whether traditional or digital, is facing disruption due to various forces affecting the market, the most recent being the pandemic. This scenario has thrown many challenges to marketing professionals. Data-driven marketing activities with the usage of technology.
One-day International (Virtual) Marketing Conference RIM MarC 2021 themed Marketing in the Age of Digitalization and Disruption on August 12, 2021
The Dept of Marketing and IB organized a One-day International (Virtual) Marketing Conference RIM MarC 2021 themed Marketing in the Age of Digitalization and Disruption on August 12, 2021.
Conference convenor Prof. Niharika Mishra welcomed the guests. The Director (Academics), Dr. Manasa Nagabhushanam delivered the opening remarks at the inaugural session.