I have academic, research, and administrative experience in various business schools, public universities, private universities, and institutions in India and Malaysia. I have a successful track record in research, with 134 articles published in Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar Index, UGC, and peer-reviewed national and international journals. To date, I have presented at 53 international conferences and 37 national-level conferences. I have over 15 years of experience in administration, serving as Head of the Department, Chairman, Professor-in-Charge, Head of the Student Mobility Center, and overseeing academic collaborations, program structure design, and motivating staff and students towards progressive development in academic records. In academics, I have 15+ years of experience teaching and developing courses in Logistics & Supply Chain Management, General Management, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, and Marketing Management for degree students, executive education students, online students, master’s students, and doctoral students. Currently, I am guiding eight Ph.D. scholars, 10 master’s students, and 10 bachelor’s students in India and Malaysia. One Ph.D. scholar has submitted their thesis, while 102 master’s students and 100 bachelor’s students have submitted and completed their academic projects. I have completed 21 additional certifications from IITs and IIMs through Swayam (NPTEL). I have received six prestigious national and state awards for contributions in the field of education and management. Additionally, I hold four patents published under the Indian Patent Organization and maintain three academic memberships. I have acted as a reviewer, examiner, evaluator, and chairman for 11 Ph.D. theses and viva voce examinations. I have also organized two international conferences and currently have two funded projects in progress. I firmly believe that knowledge grows by sharing and is continuously updated by learning new things. ❖ Education, area of research, affiliation,…..all the fields below has to change font size and alignment.

Dr Kiran Kumar Thoti
Associate Professor
Email: kiran.kt@msrim.org
About the Faculty
B.E., MBA., Ph.D., AP-SET
Area of Research
Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship & Human Resource Management
- M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management
Awards and Recognitions
- Award for Outstanding Academic Excellence given by Andhra Pradesh State
Council of Higher Education on 04/08/2018 in Jnanabheri (Knowledge Summit)
Workshop held in Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupati. - Certificate of Appreciation presented for Contribution as Anchor Faculty in the 10
hours session of the program “Kona Kona Shiksha,” conducted by the National
Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) under the aegis of CSR Program of Kotak
Securities Limited on 07-02-2022. - Certificate of Appreciation presented for acting as a Chairperson in the One-day
virtual international conference on Digital Transformation & sustainability in
Business on 31.03.2022 organized by the Department of Commerce with CMA, PSG
College of Arts and Science College, Coimbatore. - Best Faculty Award under the Category of Pride of India Awards- 2022 for
Academic Excellence organized by the International Council of Social Reforms and
Research in the event International Conference on Research & Innovations:
“Tribute to Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar” on his Birth Anniversary- Pride of India
Awards- 2022 on 14 th April’ 2022 - INSC Best Teacher Award- 2022, Award ID: 3BTA8 for Academic Excellence
organized by InSc International Publishers, UAM: KR09E0002001, CIN:
U80904KA2021OPC143961, An ISO 9001:2015 certified & registered under MSME
Corporate Affairs, Govt of India, May 2022 - India Prime Icon Award in Category of Education and Social Leadership, Organized
by Foxclues Private Limited, Approved and Recognized by Govt of India, Website: www.indiaprimeawards.com
- International Association of Engineers (IAENG): Membership No: 281688, Website:
www.iaeng.org - Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED): Membership No.
SNM2021045325, Website: https://www.theired.org/ - INSC International Publisher- Membership ID: 20224BTA8: Premium Membership
(InSc)- UAM: KR09E0002001, CIN: U80904KA2021OPC143961, An ISO 9001:2015
certified & registered under MSME & Corporate Affairs, Govt of India, May 2022,
website: https://www.insc.in/
Training and Consultancy
Recruitment Strategies for Apache Footwear Pvt Limited, Sri City, Andhra Pradesh on
May 2017
2. Soft Skills and HR Policies for Kinnari Information Technology, Bangalore,
Karnataka on Aug- 2019
3. Soft Skills Trainer for Easystepin It Service Limited, Bangalore, Karnataka on July-
September 2021
Resource Person: for PhD Thesis Evaluation, PhD Viva Chairman, International Conference
1.Editorial board member for International Journal of Research in science and
technology, Link: http://www.ijrst.com/editorboard1.php, since 2015; E-ISSN
2231-6868 | P-ISSN : 2454-468X | Impact Factor: 1.8506
2. Editorial board member for International Journal of Transformation in Business
Management, Link: since 2015; E-ISSN: 2249-0604 | P-ISSN: 2454 – 180X | Impact
Factor: 1.922
3. Editorial Board Member for MBAJournals NOLEGEIN Journal of Information
Technology & Management, Publisher: MBA Journals (Imprint of Consortium e-
Learning Network Private Limited), from May‟ 2017 to now,e- ISSN: 2581- 6802 Link:
4. Reviewer of the journal; Global Journal of Management and Business, from Feb‟
2018 to now, link: https://premierpublishers.org/gjmb, ISSN: 3115-2864
and any other details to be added